Student Translation Award Entry Form

Please complete and submit the form below. Your submission will not be complete until all of your application materials are received by ATA. Visit Student Translation Award for details.


  • Project Information

  • Max. file size: 128 MB.
    Project Description (not to exceed 500 words) If the project is a translation, the description must present the work in its context and include a substantive statement of the difficulties and innovations involved in the project and the post-competition form the work will take.
  • Max. file size: 128 MB.
    Statement of Support: This letter must be from the faculty member who is supervising the project. It should demonstrate the supervisor’s intimate familiarity with the student’s work and include detailed assessments of the project’s significance and of the student’s growth and development in translation.
  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 128 MB, Max. files: 3.
      Translation Sample: If the project involves an actual translation, a translation sample of not less than 400 and not more than 500 words, together with the corresponding source-language text, must accompany the application. The translation sample may consist of two or more separate passages from the same work. For poetry, the number of words must total at least 300.
    • Drop files here or
      Max. file size: 128 MB, Max. files: 3.

      Entry Materials Check List

      1. Completed entry form
      2. Statement of purpose describing your project
      3. Sealed letter of recommendation from your sponsoring professor
      4. Translation sample of between 400 to 500 words with corresponding source-language text (if project is a translation)
      5. Proof of permission to publish from copyright holder (if project is translation)
      6. Sample outline or other material demonstrating the nature of the work (if the project is not a translation)


      Please contact